Here’s news that BioShock fans will love to hear, the fourth mainline entry is still reportedly in development. Rejoice!
If you’d forgotten that BioShock 4 (currently not its official name) was on the way, it’s totally understandable because it was announced back in 2019. Yet, since that time, we’ve barely heard anything about the game from its publisher 2K, resulting in many fans fearing that it had wandered into the dreaded developmental hell.
Check out the BioShock Infinite trailer below!
What’s more, rather than being developed by series veteran Ken Levine’s Irrational Games, which is sadly no more, BioShock 4 will be developed by a relatively new 2K studio Cloud Chamber, led by Kelley Gilmore (Civilization and X-COM).
In case you’re wondering, Irrational Games rebranded to Ghost Story Games (led by the aforementioned Ken Levine) and is currently working on Judas, a game inspired by the series that made Levine famous, which will hopefully be released later this year.
So, what of BioShock 4? Has it really entered the dreaded development hell? Well, not according to respected journalist Imani Gandy.
“I know someone who is working on the new BioShock game, which makes me want to go back and play all the BioShock games but also, I don’t think my nerves can handle it,” she said on Bluesky, brought to our attention on Reddit.
“I know there’s been some concern about BioShock 4 being in development hell/limbo. Imani Gandy is a pretty solid journalist with gaming and comic ties, so if she’s saying this, maybe things aren’t as stalled as we thought,” said Redditor Empty_Sea9.
“Cloud Chamber’s website still very much says on the front page that they’re hard at work on the next BioShock. In dev hell, maybe. But definitely not cancelled,” replied Then-Neighborhood672.
“Did people really think it stopped or something? Cloud Chamber is still standing and doing good,” exclaimed alishock with thr1ceuponatime adding “They’re hiring too, albeit mostly for senior roles.”
“We know BioShock 4 is in development. It never left development. Cloud Chamber simply doesn’t have anything to show yet,” samusfan21 suggested.
For now at least, we can enjoy the entire BioShock series on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch. That being said, let’s just hope that 2025 is the year when we finally get to see what BioShock 4 looks like, so would you kindly, 2K, make that happen?