Some people just enjoy pain and suffering and that is why they play Soulslike games. Luckily for them, there is another on the horizon which has been likened to a cross between Assassin’s Creed and Dark Souls.
Project: The Perceiver or just The Perceiver is an upcoming action-adventure game from PaperGames and 17ZHE Studio. Hailed as the “Chinese Sekiro”, the third-person title takes a historical setting with added fantasy elements and turns it into the ultimate Soulslike game.
Check out the Project: The Perceiver trailer below!
With the debut trailer launching in November 2022, The Perceiver is set in a multiplatform open-world with Chinese cultural inspirations. Both the initial trailer and subsequent gameplay snippet give us our first look at the game seemingly inspired by Sekiro, Nioh and Ghost of Tsushima.
We meet our protagonist who appears to be an artist who lives in a noble and peaceful land called Tang. However, when the land is invaded and he is assassinated, he laments that he will never be able to finish his play. Just before he takes his last breath, he finds a mask which not only saves his life but also grants him supernatural powers. With his newfound abilities, he fights off attackers, claims their powers and then must set off on a journey to liberate Tang.
Not much else is known about The Perceiver’s story but the official website claims we will “witness a kaleidoscope of ideals” in a “quagmire of endless war”. Additionally, the land of Tang will be ours to explore with secrets hiding in every corner and seemingly each mask our protagonist uncovers will grant them unique personalities.
Although The Perceiver is yet to receive a release date, it hasn’t stopped potential fans from getting excited about the next Soulslike title. It just remains to be seen if it will live up to its predecessors.
Topics: Assassins Creed, Dark Souls