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Zelda: Majora's Mask just got a stunning remaster you can check out free

Zelda: Majora's Mask just got a stunning remaster you can check out free

Check out this amazing Majora's Mask remaster

Which camp do you fall into? You either believe that Ocarina of Time is the best, or Majora’s Mask is the better Zelda game.

If you find yourself loving the surreal experience that is Majora’s Mask, then I have some great news for you, as there’s a remastered version you can play right now.

The Legend of Zelda has given us some amazing gaming moments over the years

Don’t we all wish we could play our favourite games with up to date graphics? Well, one modder believes so and they’re gone to great lengths to remaster Majora’s Mask with overhauled textures.

You can find the files on GitHub, and you’ll then be able to play this classic with a bunch of lovely visuals. Of course, you’ll have to play on PC, but that means you get widescreen support, autosaves, high framerates and low input lag.

Is it the best way to play that game? That depends on whether you love the original experience, but given that the N64 era of game can be a bit off-putting to some, this is a great way to play a barn-storming classic.

The project uses a system called ‘Recompiled’ to bring those extra frames while still keeping the charm of the original game’s visual flair. Going beyond 60FPS makes the movement buttery smooth without impacting the game’s physics.

The modder hopes to add ray-tracing in a future update, but the graphics are already looking mighty fine for this PC port.

At the moment you can use different controllers, including the PlayStation’s DualSense and it will feature the gyro aiming from the original release.

Recompiled adds scope for future updates and ways to manipulate the game via new models, more textures and even swapping out characters for someone new.

If you’ve never tried Majora’s Mask, or fancy a revisit, this is definitely a great way to do it.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo

Topics: Nintendo, The Legend Of Zelda, Mods, PC