As gamers, we just accept that big game delays are a natural part of our ecosystem. As a rule it almost always leads to a much better product.
Horizon Forbidden West was delayed by six months in order to avoid developer crunch, and looks absolutely spectacular. Hogwarts Legacy feels like a rumour at this point with the prolonged development it's going through. The last we officially saw of it was in 2020, with whispers it might appear this year or next. Now, another big game has moved further over the horizon, but we should still see it in 2022.
Here's a look at Forspoken - which is now the subject of a delay, too
In a new tweet, Luminous Productions - developers of the Square Enix-published Forspoken - have announced the game will be delayed. Originally set for release on 25 May 2022, it has now been announced that we won't see the timed console exclusive, heading to PlayStation 5 and PC, until October.
Shown off at The Game Awards in December 2021 (see the trailer above) and formally announced in March last year, Forspoken features Frey Holland, the female protagonist from New York suddenly transported to a fantasy land. Written in part by Amy Hennig, the brain behind Nathan Drake and the Uncharted series, hopes are high for this release.
Forspoken is set to be a PlayStation 5 console exclusive for its first two years following release, though it will release simultaneously on PC. Luminous Productions will then be free to port it to other platforms depending on popularity.
Square Enix has had mixed success of late. It's newest release, the Switch exclusive Triangle Strategy, has received enormous amounts of praise from critics and fans alike. Conversely, due to alleged disappointing sales of Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy, it would seem that a sequel has become unlikely. (That said, the game is coming to Game Pass, so hooray for those subscribers as the game's pretty great.) I guess we'll have to wait until autumn to find out which path Forspoken will tread.
Topics: PlayStation 5, Square Enix