A Twitch streamer celebrates wholesomely with his mum after going from five views to thousands.
Breaking into the content-creating scene can be a tough gig, especially when there are millions of enthusiasts across streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. Not to mention the likes of Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.
So when a little-known Twitch streamer by the name of Frankiep423, suddenly had a surge in viewers, he celebrated the best way he knew how, with his lovely mum. As reported by Dexerto, Frankiep423 had only been streaming for less than a year.
More often than not, his streams would average around 5 views during his first eight months. However, as shared by Twitter user Jake Lucky, when his views jumped into the hundreds, Frankiep423 was overwhelmed with joy and brought in his mother for a celebratory cuddle.
Perhaps thinking it doesn't get any better than this, Frankiep423 would then break into the thousands for the first time and guess what? He brought his mother into the stream once more, this time to briefly share the excitement with her son and his growing success on the Twitch platform.
At the time of writing, Frankiep423 has over 7,300 followers on his Twitch channel and we’re pretty sure that number will continue to grow in the coming months. To put things into added perspective, his last Overwatch 2 stream garnered over 18,000 views compared to the stream prior which garnered over 700 views.
We wish Frankiep423 all the success as he continues to grow on the Twitch channel and we hope to see his mother celebrate when he reaches his next milestone. After all, the world can also do with a dose of wholesome goodness every now and again.
In related news of opposite fortunes, Twitch has just banned one of its most popular streamers.
Topics: Twitch, Overwatch 2