Children of the nineties, brace yourselves. There is a possibility that we will see a return to the brilliant Spider-Man animated series that ran in the mid to late nineties. With the revival of the X-Men show, which is soon to start on Disney+, there’s no reason we can’t see a return to other Marvel properties.
With the rights to Spider-Man spread across both Marvel Studios and Sony, there have been many attempts at creating Spidey media, including the recent flop Madame Web. Marvel, however, seem to hold the rights for animated content, so this could be a way of bringing everyone’s favourite webhead to Disney+.
Disney will be continuing the X-Men show with X-Men '97
As fans get excited for X-Men ‘97, a continuation on the classic original series, one fan reached out to John Semper Jr, the writer for Spider-Man: The Animated Series. They asked him, “Thoughts on spider man 98!? Continuing the story like X-men is doing!” To which Semper replied, “All they have to do is call me. I'm here, and I'd certainly consider doing it.”
Of course, this doesn’t mean it’s a straight shot at seeing something new, but there is definitely an audience who would want to see Spidey on the small screen once again, especially younger fans who can enjoy more bite size stories.
These animated shows were a perfect way to deliver comic book stories - they were short, to the point, and could hone in on the wackier characters and story arcs. They were also the main way to consume amazing stories from talented Marvel writers because the MCU hadn’t been established yet. Now, if these shows get the continuation they deserve, we could see some off-shoot tales and focus on smaller events and enemies that wouldn’t fit into the overal MCU. Let’s hope X-Men ‘97 is popular enough that Marvel make the move on Spider-Man.
Topics: Marvel, Spider Man, TV And Film, Disney