It’s hard to know whether to put any weight behind rumours and leaks in the Marvel universe at the moment, as news keeps coming thick and fast.
However, as with any rumour, you never know who gets legit information leaked to them and could be predicting the next few years of Marvel movies.
Captain America is back in cinemas, very soon
MyTimeToShine is a leaker over on Twitter who regularly posts details about upcoming Marvel projects, and if their latest leak turns out to be true, it could mean huge things for the MCU.
According to them, the next Avengers film, after the team is done with Doctor Doom, will be titled Avengers Vs X-Men.
Based on the famous comic book run that many fans have wanted to see adapted for years, this would pit both teams against each other.
Now, I will play devil’s advocate here and say that this leak could very well be true.
We know that Marvel is pivoting towards the Mutant Saga after Avengers: Secret Wars, and what better event to build up to than a hero vs hero blockbuster?
That being said, this is also fanciful thinking, and I’m not convinced that Marvel would want to put the two teams up against each other for a cinema crowd.
Recent leaks also point to Mister Sinister being the main villain for the X-Men when they debut, so this possible clash between teams would likely be many years into the future, and who knows what will happen in that time.
As always, take this with a pinch of salt and look forward to the next few years of MCU projects, it’s going to be a wild ride in the lead up to Avengers: DOOMSDAY.
My only worry is, can Marvel handle this number of projects and characters as one saga ends and another begins?
Topics: Marvel, MCU, TV And Film