Unless you've been living under a rock at the bottom of the Indian Ocean for the last several weeks, you'll no doubt have heard that Henry Cavill is leaving The Witcher. His replacement? A gentleman by the name of Liam Hemsworth.
Netflix confirmed earlier this month that The Witcher season four will see Liam Hemsworth pick up Geralt of Rivia's swords. Cavill will play the monster hunter for the upcoming third season, but has decided it's time to move on after that.
“My journey as Geralt of Rivia has been filled with both monsters and adventures, and alas, I will be laying down my medallion and my swords for Season four,” Cavill wrote in a post on Instagram.
“In my stead, the fantastic Mr Liam Hemsworth will be taking up the mantle of the White Wolf. As with the greatest of literary characters, I pass the torch with reverence for the time spent embodying Geralt and enthusiasm to see Liam's take on this most fascinating and nuanced of men.”
It's fair to say the news hasn't gone down brilliantly. Fans have threatened to boycott the show entirely, with over 200,000 going so far as to sign a petition that demands The Witcher writers be fired so that Cavill can stay.
In the midst of all this, we have poor Liam Hemsworth, who is probably just excited to do the best job he can. While he has undeniably big shoes to fill, a new fan video has helped us to imagine exactly what he'll look as Geralt - and the result is pretty good! Not that some of the more diehard Cavill fans would admit that, of course.
Take a look at the video below, courtesy of the talented Stryder HD.
While some fans thanked the YouTuber for visualising Hemsworth as Geralt, others decided it was best to continue to complain about Cavill's exit - something that all the petitions in the world can't change at this point.
"Great video, but I'm passing on the new Witcher," one fan wrote. "Henry was the perfect fit. Not just looks but his dedication to the role and lore."
Another pointed out: "This looks good because although the face is deep faked, the mannerism and the voice of the character are still Henry Cavill's. No shade to Liam Hemsworth but I wonder how the same scenes would have looked with Liam's mannerism and gestures."
Topics: The Witcher, Netflix, TV And Film