One of the things I love about this industry is how there are so many games. Practically every day something new pops up.
I knew nothing about Architect: Land of Exiles until it came across my desk this morning and one look at the trailer has me sold.
You can see just how lush everyone looks in Architects: Land of Exiles right here.
This MMORPG comes from HYBE, the same South Korean company behind the mega-hit boy band BTS.
Well, it comes from their interactive media arm which is slowly branching out into more games.
Very little is known about Architects: Land of Exiles aside from what we see in the trailer, which looks impressive.
There are, frankly gorgeous, humans battling rock creatures by launching magic spells at them; there’s a rather dashing man who almost falls foul of an attack before time freezes and a mystical God-like being appears.
It very much looks like an MMORPG.
That’s not a bad thing. It has the staples we’ve come to expect and recognise from the genre but it’s delivered via a stunning performance from Unreal Engine 5.
The characters, so far, look akin to the devilishly gorgeous lot from any of the Final Fantasy games.
The action, or at least the beasts on display, wouldn’t look out of place in any of The Witcher outings.
So far, so good. Obviously, we’ll have to wait for more to appear online with this one, but it certainly has talent in the roster of developers and a company like HYBE behind it could create a huge push across the world.
From what I can see on the game’s official website, when translated, it seems doors opened in an otherwise normal world, unleashing waves of monsters and creatures.
There’s mention of other races outside of humans, so I will be looking forward to seeing those, as the fidelity of visuals here is a wonder.
Definitely keep your eye on this one.
Topics: Final Fantasy, PC, The Witcher, Unreal Engine