If you’ve felt irritated by the latest debacle to rock The Elder Scrolls community, you’re not alone – plenty of Elder Scrolls players are annoyed too.
Those of you who don’t play Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls Online may not be aware that many players have been unable to access their accounts for roughly a week now, due to a test server issue.
Anyone who favours online games is well aware that problems can suddenly pop up, especially if someone is updating/changing features elsewhere; servers are sensitive.
Check out The Elder Scrolls Online trailer below.
Unfortunately, such tinkering has resulted in a large number of players being locked out of their accounts for over seven days.
The test server was activated to see how the next adventure in the sprawling MMORPG would play.
What nobody anticipated is that when this happened, not only did those on the test server get locked out when the issue occurred, but so too did users from the North America live server.
To make matters worse, those users are still unable to get into their account, despite the classic turn off then back on tactic the developers opted for.
Elder Scrolls Online, when made aware of the problem, kept the affected accounts locked tight, which is how things have remained. Talk about bad times for Bethesda – first this, and now the studio being affected by layoffs.
This has come during the Anniversary Jubilee event, which as you can imagine, hasn’t helped matters. To soothe the inflamed wounds, the devs are compensating those affected with 200 Seals of Endeavor, as well as the event being extended for two days.
Oh, and if that wasn’t enough of an apology, the long-suffering users will also receive the below items:
- 16,000 Seals of Endeavor
- 5 Glorious Anniversary Jubilee Gift Boxes
- Trueflame Replica Style Page
- Staff of Worms Replica Style Page
- Barbas Helmet Replica Style Page
- Sunna’rah Replica Style Page
- Ul’Vor Staff Replica Style Page
- 25 Jubilee Confetti Packs
- The Cumberland Anniversary Attire costume
That’s quite a lot of freebies, which only goes to show how severe this issue is.
Apparently, a fix to the issue should be rolling out today, however, it remains to be seen if it’s cleared up the problem.
Topics: Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, PC, PlayStation, Xbox