Bethesda has brought another update to Starfield and this one is getting approval from fans across the internet. You have to try this to believe it.
The latest Starfield update has brought with it a whole host of new settings to be tweaked that will improve your playthrough and all can be found in the main menu under ‘Gameplay Options’.
We loved Starfield at release and the game is slowly getting even better with these updates
As reported on Reddit, one user has pointed out the new settings changes and they’re going to give players much more control over the way the game plays.
For example, you can now change the carrying capacity of the player character to adjust how many items can be collected. You can even change the weight of ammo, eliminating the extra bulk.
Now, it seems that these changes will change the amount of XP gained from tasks. The menu is shown with ‘greatly increased vendor credits’ which we assume increases selling amounts. However, this reduces XP gain by 4%. Whether this has a huge impact will be hard to see, but, of course, if you buff everything in the menu your XP gains will be minimal.
On the flip side, players can make their playthrough tougher for more XP, so the overhaul to game settings will give players more granular control.
Being able to buff player damage and reduce enemy damage is a big game-changer, as is the ability to heal automatically when you rest.
As one Redditor comments, “With the advanced settings, exploring extreme planets now actually feels more immersive, and armour ratings actually matter.”
Other users are equally happy with the changes saying, “Being able to access ship cargo anywhere makes things so much less tedious. Also the increased vendor credits.” And another, “This is some seriously gold standard stuff, games that don't have these kinds of options are going to feel lacking.” Starfield players are impressed. Well done Bethesda.