Star Wars has a new prequel story for fans and it covers a lesser used span of years when Anakin Skywalker was still a youngster.
We’re used to seeing a lot of Obi-Wan and Anakin during the years between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, but child Anakin is often overlooked.
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The new adventure, Padawan’s Pride, has been released as an audiobook for Audible, and follows the young Anakin and Obi-Wan as they attempt to infiltrate an underground podracing circuit.
The goal is to route out a republic spy and sees Anakin going ‘undercover’ as a podracer with Obi-Wan as his attendant.
This will likely give us a very different dynamic between the two characters as both are learning their roles as padawan and master, while Anakin adjusts to life in the wider galaxy.
The high-stakes mission will put pressure on the Jedi’s relationship and provide a more detailed look at the early years of the duo.
Padawan’s Pride is a relatively brief story, clocking in at just shy of four hours and could show that this format can work for shorter, more fun stories from Star Wars.
It could be a very emotional story as this is Anakin only a few years removed from his mother, who he dearly misses.
Whether we get any of the angst we see in the latter two films of the prequel trilogy is hard to say, but I’m sure some seeds will be sown.
One interesting point is Anakin has a blue lightsaber, so this is set after his training in combat has begun.
Hopefully there are plenty of fight scenes alongside the podracing action, while keeping the humour and camaraderie of the pair’s chemistry.
This may be a turning point for Star Wars as they pursue more fiction told in new ways.
Topics: Star Wars