While Jedis became a rarity after Order 66 there are still plenty of stories set before the galactic massacre to tell.
These tales allow us to see some of our favourite Jedi in action once again, often making their death in Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith hurt that much more.
Despite not being perfect Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith is one of, if not the, best Star Wars films in my opinion
The tale we’re talking about today is a comic that unites three very important Jedi, Kit Fisto, Mace Windu and Shaak Ti.
From a comic titled Star Wars: Hyperspace Stories—Tides of Terror, they’re actually a collection of spooky stories from the Star Wars galaxy.
The description for this issue reads “Jedi Master Kit Fisto has been sent to the ocean planet Tordus, alongside Mace Windu and Shaak Ti, to investigate a controversial underwater research facility. The facility is in danger of flooding and being crushed into rubble, and if that’s not enough, there are giant monsters circling them.
“With disaster looming, his diplomatic excursion quickly becomes a rescue mission! Kit Fisto and his fellow Jedi must race against the clock to save innocent lives from the hungry leviathans that fill the depths. Can the Jedi fend off the danger lurking in the ocean’s briny waters?”
Given their prowess in battle, and the fact we already know how these three Jedi perish, it’s safe to say they’ll make it out of this endeavour, but it’ll still be nice to see them in action again.
That said, many are still reluctant to believe Mace Windu is actually dead, and that he might still be out there somewhere waiting for Disney to bring him back for a spin-off or cameo appearance.
I certainly hope so, as Mace is one of my favourite Jedi Masters and it’d be nice to see Samuel L. Jackson reprise his role.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film, Lucasfilm