For many years, Star Wars fans have known that Darth Plagueis was one of the most powerful Sith in history and taught Palpatine all he knew.
However, we also know that Palpatine killed his master, which made a lot fans wonder just how did Palpatine manage to kill someone so strong.
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It turns out we were told back in the Darth Plagueis novel. Now, it’s worth remembering that this book is now part of the ‘Legends’ rather than the main canon, but it’s still pretty brilliant.
According to the book, Palpatine got old Plagueis drunk first. He plied him with fancy wine and, knowing that the master used a breathing apparatus, he simply zapped that and killed him.
This was mentioned on Reddit after a user pondered how it all happened.
There’s a bit more to it than that though, according to 4CrowsFeast who told the rest of the story, “He was also recovering from an assassination attempt and like OP said using a breathing device to survive. Which is actually a parallel to Sidious killing Vader with force lightning because it disabled his suit.”
Further into the thread, Wate2028 expanded further, “Plagueis thought that he and Sidious were buddies and that they would rule together, Sidious even tells him ‘You were far too trusting Plagueis, no true Sith can ever really care about another, this has always been known.’”
It’s still pretty funny that Palpatine went straight to getting his master drunk and then took him down. It shows the cowardliness of Palps.
Star Wars lays out that every Sith apprentice rises up to kill their master, this is the rule of two which we see established in The Acolyte.
User bluewaterpig tells it how it is, “The Rule of Two was in place and Plagueis was getting weaker and weaker. In many ways, I think Plagueis knew that Sidious killing him was the best opportunity for the Sith legacy to continue.”
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