Reddit is a weird place sometimes. It attracts people from every background, and because its subreddits are sometimes hyper specific you tend to find some odd folks in certain corners of the site.
So, when you see a thread pop up called “Hello i dont want child anymore”... it might give you some pause. Could this be the Relationship Advice subreddit? God, I hope not.
Thankfully, this particular post was in the Skyrim subreddit. That didn’t stop folks from having a bit of fun with the poster who posed the question though.
“I get a child for achivment and now its annoys me everytime when i come home how to get rid of it?” they asked.
Assumedly they’re referring to the “Proud Parent” achievement, which sees you adopt a child to unlock it. Apparently the poster in question has never heard of quicksaving.
The replies were equally as unhinged as the post in question, which to be fair is to be expected with a question like this.
“Use this mod to make your child matter” replied one comment, suggesting that poster download the, uh, “Immersive Fat Idiot Son - Rufus” mod.
The mod’s description reads “Your useless, fat, stupid disappointment of a son will follow you around causing trouble, bringing a new level of realism, depth and challenge to the Skyrim parenting experience.” Didn’t know my dad was posting mods on Nexus.
“Order him to Wait here…” replied another, “In the bottom of a dwemer ruin.”
Naturally, there were also roughly fifty comments suggesting that the poster go full Anakin Skywalker on the youngling.
At least one commenter did have some genuinely good advice though.
“Get a house out in the city you like least. Move there. Abandon” read the comment, which would have been a relatively normal, regular response.
Unfortunately, they opted to finish their comment by saying “I put my kids in Markarth when they annoy me”.
Starting to see why my generation isn’t having kids.