An Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim player followed Ulfric Stormcloak all the way to High Hrothgar, and what an adventure it was.
Bethesda games are very impressive when they work, and Skyrim is undoubtedly the company’s crowning achievement considering Fallout: New Vegas was technically made by someone else.
No wonder when Bethesda keeps finding creative new ways to re-release the title
One of Skyrim’s most impressive features was how alive the open-world felt, perfectly illustrated by how the NPCs will cross the country to get to their next destination, getting into their own scrapes and adventures along the way.
If you fast-travel somewhere else or let time pass they’ll usually just teleport straight there but if you follow them you can see their entire journey, and it’s apparently one of the funniest things you can do in the game.
Reddit user marigoldsandviolets shared their experience of following Ulfric Stormcloak on his way to High Hrothgar, a lengthy journey that sounds like it could rival Lord Of The Rings in its scope.
The user said “I followed him. And reader, it was the most fun I've had in this damn game.”
They then elaborated by sharing that he “fought *everything.* He yelled portentous and menacing taunts at every bear he came across, then shouted them down before he killed them
“He took the weirdest route I've ever seen (all the way around the foot of the mountain). When we walked through Riverwood he walked straight up to Alvor and killed him with no provocation, then fought all the guards in the town for like 20 minutes.”
The only thing missing from this post is the man picking a fight with a giant and getting launched into the stratosphere.
So the next time you’re playing Skyrim and one of the NPCs runs off on a little quest, run after them, it might be a good laugh.