If you’re one of the dozen people who hasn’t ever played The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you can currently buy it on Steam for less than the price of a fancy coffee.
Skyrim is such a timeless game that can be played over and over again, totalling up hundreds of hours of enjoyment.
Get yourself a bargain RPG with Skyrim on Steam
With a 90% discount on Steam, you can grab the classic Bethesda RPG for just £3.49, and this is for the Special Edition, which adds lots of quality of life updates and some gorgeous visuals.
A perfect experience on desktop or Steam Deck, you really have no excuse here.
That lovely caramel, skinny latte and chocolate laden pastry you grab from Starbucks because you’re feeling sad on a Saturday morning, this is cheaper.
The cheeky McDonald’s Chicken Sandwich meal you buy when your anxiety is so crippling that you can’t be bothered to cook, this is cheaper.
Hell, that extra beer you order when out with friends, and you know it’s one too many, likely making you feel sick in the morning when the hangover kicks in, this is cheaper.
All of those things will only satisfy you for at most an hour, at the least, three minutes, yet Skyrim will dish out 207 hours, according to How Long to Beat, if you want to complete everything available. What a stonking deal!
Once you consider the number of mods on offer, you can continually extend your playthrough with new quests, items, and regions.
I’m not really sure what else I can say to convince you to buy the game. Other than, it feels like a crime to not jump on this offer.
It’s basically a steal, you’re paying a pittance for one of the best games ever made.
If I could buy it again, I would.
Topics: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, PC, Steam