The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a game full of secrets, and while most of them can be found on a map or by talking to NPCs, there are some that are much harder to find.
Throughout Skyrim, you’ll occasionally find a random stockpile of loot, never out in the open though. They’re usually somewhere random like behind a tree or up a mountain.
Are you ready for The Elder Scrolls VI to dwarf Skyrim in scale? Check out the teaser trailer again below.
Most of the time, the loot here isn’t the best, but occasionally you’ll find some useful items to help you on your way.
Turns out, there’s one of these helpful stockpiles super early into the game, pointed out by a player who happened to stumble upon it while scaling the mountain Bleakfalls Barrow is on.
This is the first dungeon you’d typically enter if you’re playing the game normally, as it’s where the shopkeeper in Riverwood will send you to find his Golden Claw, plus it’s a big menacing mountain visible from the start of the game, so why wouldn’t you want to check it out?
You’ll find a satchel with some goodies inside on top of the dungeon hidden away behind some of the rocks, with whom it originally belonged to.
Qhat happened to the satchel's owner remains a mystery.
Fans who read the post commented on how infinitely replayable Skyrim remains to this day, even more so with these little secrets and discoveries, with one commenting, “Sighs, starts up Skyrim.”
Hopefully The Elder Scrolls VI is just as fun to explore, but let’s be real it has to be right?
There’s no way with the amount of development time and Bethesda’s prior experience with the series that The Elder Scrolls VI comes out as anything short of a masterpiece, right? .... Right?
Topics: Skyrim, Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls