Skyrim is about to get infinitely bigger.
It could be said that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is already a massive RPG. However, the creation of hundreds of mods ensures it keeps on growing.
One such DLC that’s massive in scope is The Heritage of Light - The City of Snow Elves.
Created by NexusMods creator, Buresjakub2003, this fan-made project “adds a new lost city”.
“The Dragonborn first visits this place at the request of the last snow elf in the Forgotten Vale, but he/she is unaware that there is no way out of the town,” the overview reads.
Have you played Skyrim in VR? Now might be the time to try it.
This is how this new tale begins.
But its narrative doesn’t end with this mod, for the creator says that The City of the Snow Elves is the first of a trilogy.
“City of the Snow Elves is the first story in ‘The Heritage of Light’ trilogy, and will focus on the life of this small forgotten community.”
The climatic finale of this first instalment has four possible endings: best, light, dark, and worst.
How you play and the decisions you make will decide the fate of this once lost city.
We’d love to show you the beauty of this DLC, however, its creator hasn’t provided any trailers or gameplay overviews.
Still, the images we can see look promising.
You might be replaying Skyrim but not for any additional content, if that’s the case then you need to make sure you’re aware of this handy gameplay trick. Don’t end up like the player who discovered it 13 years later...!
We can’t help but wonder if we’ll ever be done with Skyrim – just when we think we’ve had our fill, a new mod appears that piques our curiosity.
If you decide to play City of the Snow Elves, we hope you get the best ending possible, for their sake as well as yours.
Topics: Bethesda, Mods, PC, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls