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Red Dead Redemption 2 revived by Rockstar in new DLC mission

Red Dead Redemption 2 revived by Rockstar in new DLC mission

Rockstar pays homage to a classic

With Grand Theft Auto Online receiving regular updates and brand-new content, it’s sad to see Red Dead Redemption 2 not get the same treatment.

However, in a recent GTA Online update, it appears as though Rockstar Games has paid homage to another of its hit titles.

Released just yesterday, GTA Online welcomed a new Most Wanted bounty for supporting character Leroy O’Neil as part of its Bottom Dollar Bounties update.

Check out the trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 below!

In the story, the GTA Online protagonist is captured by the O’Neil clan and locked up in the basement. However, what seems like a pretty straightforward kidnapping had Rockstar fans notice the similarities between this new mission and the 'Blessed are the Peacemakers' mission in Red Dead Redemption 2.

In the latter, Arthur is also kidnapped and held hostage in a basement before managing to escape. Whereas it’s the pesky O’Neils in GTA Online, it is the O’Driscolls in Red Dead Redemption 2, so it is not surprising that fans of both titles noticed the similarities.

A video showing both scenes was posted to Twitter and it wasn’t long before fans were sharing their love for the homage to RDR2.

“This is why Rockstar is good at referencing their games,” said one. “The Most Wanted [missions] are just legendary bounties just renamed to ‘most wanted’.”

Legendary Bounties is referring to a feature in Red Dead Online where players are able to pick up bounties with five star bounties equalling legendary.

Another said: “That's the first thought I had when first playing this mission!”

It is good to see Rockstar still referencing Red Dead Redemption 2 in its current work despite no longer offering content updates to the game. Additionally, it has led some fans to believe that there may be many calls to the 2018 title in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA, Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, GTA Online