Rockstar Games’ 2018 title Red Dead Redemption II has been out for over six years now, and yet somehow players are still discovering secrets and hidden features in the game.
One of the most underappreciated elements of Red Dead Redemption II is its focus on realistic animal AI.
Probably one of the most impressive things in the game is how the animals in the wild interact with each other.
You can often just accidentally come across a lot of this stuff pretty naturally, such as wolves teaming up to take down certain different types of prey in wooded areas of the map.
My favourite example of something like this is how certain birds will swoop down into lakes and rivers to snag fish (and usually scare away whatever fish you were attempting to catch in the process).
Perhaps one of the least well-known animal AI mechanics actually relates to how the player can interact with bears.
As one YouTuber noticed, there’s a funny (and somewhat accurate) way in which you can dissuade a bear from mauling you to death should it charge up to you and attempt to attack.
If you simply stand still when a bear rushes towards you, more often than not it will simply lose interest and disengage should you simply remain still.
In a thread detailing the discovery over on the r/RDR2 subreddit, players had a couple of tidbits to share in regards to pulling it off.
“Just don’t follow the bear and chase it,” stated user Tricksyknitsy, “Did that once and Yogi turned around and mauled my *ss… Also highly recommend you do this encounter in first person mode at some point. The side eye the bear gives you as he turns away and runs is too funny.”
Makes you wonder how many other things are still hidden in RDR2 that we’ve never discovered.
Like for instance, what would happen if you brought the Legendary Bullgator into your cam– oh, never mind, someone already answered that one.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games