Think you’ve seen all there is to in Red Dead Redemption 2?
Well, the truth is that you might have but I’d be mightily darn impressed.
You see, Red Dead Redemption 2 was released seven years ago, so it stands to reason that some dedicated players might’ve totally scoured Rockstar’s impeccably detailed open world.
But when you consider just how much devs packed in, the average player very likely hasn’t.
And that’s why today, I’d like to draw your attention to a hidden loot spot that I’m pretty confident plenty of you will not have stumbled across before.
This tidbit comes courtesy of YouTuber Player7.
Before I dive in, you may as well enjoy a few of our favourite Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails while you’re here.
For this one, you’re going to want to start off south of Mattock Pond. There, players will find a small settlement.
You can kill a nearby shopkeeper using a knife and then you’ll want to fire a dynamite arrow at the floor just outside of his store which will launch you inside the inaccessible area.
This will prompt witnesses to investigate.
While inside the shop, you can grab a ton of loot.
If you then press wait until morning, you’ll be able to slip away unscathed.
You can view the full tutorial below.
“I’m still tripping on the idea that there’s lootable objects inside of a building you were never designed to enter. It was like they knew SOMEONE would figure it out one day and wanted to give them a little something for the effort. This game is too much even after all this time,” wrote YouTube user DrewCheech.
“So many areas of this game are playable that you would never see in another game. The amount of work they put into RDR2 is insane,” added Asher8328.
User r.p.k9028 said, “So after completing multiple playthroughs and earning the platinum trophy, there are still new things to discover? This game is incredible.”
It’s true, so try this one out on your next playthrough.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games