Fans have decided which Pokémon they hate the most in a massive community effort to put the discussion to bed permanently, and you may be surprised to learn that they chose a ‘Mon from the series’ first generation.
Personally I think Pokémon designs hit more often than they miss, but with roughly 1025 Pokémon in the Pokedex… well let’s just say they can’t all be winners.
And oh boy were some of them losers, because based on a poll over on the r/pokemon subreddit, some folks really, really hate a few of these little guys.
When I think of rubbish 'Mons, my mind drifts to Klefki, Audino, and the creepy abomination that is Glalie, but it seems that the community has zeroed in on one particular weirdo from Pokémon Red and Blue.
You can probably see where I’m going with this now, because the r/pokemon users decided that the most hated Pokémon of all time is… Jynx.
Yeah so, firstly, I get it. Even if there weren’t some, let’s say, uncomfortable racial connotations associated with its original design, Jynx just kinda looks too human to be a Pokémon. I mean it’s got long blonde hair and it’s wearing a dress for Pete’s sake.
Assumedly this is also why Aromatisse came in second place because, yeah, that’s just a slightly less rubbish-looking Jynx.
The poll also collated the most favourite Pokémon too, with Aegislash, Umbreon and Chandelure coming in first, second and third respectively.
Umbreon and Chandelure don’t surprise me, but I am kinda shocked to learn that Aegislash has so many die-hard fans. I think it’s super cool don’t get me wrong, but I would have thought the sheer number of Umbreon stans would have outnumbered them ten to one.
Big up my guy Chandelure though. Coolest Pokémon design of all time, hands down.