Pokémon TCG Pocket players are just now finding out that the words “balanced” and “competitive online trading card game” rarely find their way into the same sentence, because a lot of folks are bemoaning the existence of one particularly strong supporter card.
The Misty supporter card seems, as someone not overly familiar with the Pokémon TCG Pocket meta like me, relatively balanced.
You flip a bunch of coins, and for every heads you get you gain a water-type energy. As soon as you flip even one tails, that’s it. That’s all the free water energy you’re going to get.
Now, considering how nuts other supporter cards sound, this doesn’t seem too awful. You’ve got a 50/50 chance to flip a tails immediately, which essentially means the Misty card would be completely useless.
Well it’s this random element to the card that folks aren’t too fond of, with multiple people on the r/PTCGP and r/PokemonPocket subreddits posting stuff like this thread in which one poor soul ran into an opponent who flipped 11 heads in a row.
It seems a lot of people are running into this same issue, as threads like “This is the most insane Misty luck I’ve ever seen” and “Misty is OP” have started popping up all over the place.
The community can’t quite seem to agree on whether or not the card is busted and actually needs nerfing however, as while Misty is obviously extremely strong when she works… just as many players seem to be reporting that their opponents immediately flip tails and then concede.
Ultimately it just seems like you’ll need to hope luck isn’t on your opponent's side if you run into one playing Misty, because I can’t personally see the developers nerfing a card that is inherently luck-based.
But hey, at least you guys didn’t have to play through the Tearlaments meta during 2023 in Yu-Gi-Oh: Master Duel. Mill eight, feel great, am I right folks?
Topics: Pokemon