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PlayStation's latest free PS5 game is blowing fans away with its graphics

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PlayStation's latest free PS5 game is blowing fans away with its graphics

PlayStation Plus subscribers are blown away by the graphics of Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

Last year, PlayStation Plus relaunched with its new three-tiered system and now, almost 12 months on, it’s clear that the extra tier offerings are the best of the bunch.

PlayStation Plus’ essential tier can be hit and miss. The March line-up includes Battlefield 2042, Minecraft Dungeons, and Code Vein - a trio which has been described as disappointing by subscribers. When it comes to March’s extra tier line-up though, subscribers are far more impressed. Already, one game - which happens to be a day one exclusive - has been branded as the ‘GOTY so far’ by subscribers but today, I’m here to tell you about one PS5 title that is blowing away players with its incredible graphics.

ICYMI, Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores will launch on 19 April. Take a look at the trailer below.

As reported by ComicBook, fans are incredibly impressed with Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection which was added to the extra catalogue this month. Naughty Dog’s 2022 release includes remasters of 2016’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and 2017’s Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - the latter of which, if you ask me, is the future of the franchise. I must admit, I’m yet to try out the remastered collection but it’s certainly on my to-play list because the graphics look impeccable, which is what many PS Plus subscribers are now discovering.

Reddit user nathanwyer wrote, “PS5 Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves graphics are amazing. Anybody else tried out this game since it came to PS Plus extra? I’d already played Uncharted 4 so mainly got it for Lost Legacy which I hadn’t played. The graphics are so good with the ps5 upgrades and the game itself is great.” Plenty of people agreed.

Enigmaticbeardyman said, “I downloaded it last night to check it out and I’ve not been able to stop thinking of how bloody good it looks,” while TotallyNotAnOctopus added, “Naughty Dog figured something out about character animation between The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 and other devs are still catching up.” Other users praised the haptic feedback and 3D audio. I guess this game just moved a little higher up my backlog.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Uncharted, Naughty Dog