The latest PlayStation console exclusive to hit digital shelves has achieved something very special. Not because it's a good game, but because it's so rubbish that it's managed to unite critics and gamers alike in disdain.
Babylon's Fall, the new live service action RPG from Square Enix, was recently released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. "Great!" You might be thinking. "A new RPG from Square Enix!" Don't get excited.
Why? Because Babylon's Fall is rubbish. Take a look at it in action below.
Incredibly, Square Enix doesn't seem to have learned its lesson from the woeful Marvel's Avengers in terms of live service titles. Everything that we've come to hate about the grind of such games is present and correct, all nicely paired with tedious gameplay and a story that's impossible to care about.
At the time of writing, Babylon's Fall is the worst-rated PlayStation 5 game on Metacritic by some distance. With a critic score of 42, it's even managed to drop below the much-maligned Balan Wonderworld. Meanwhile, the PC version of the game is the worst-reviewed title of 2022 so far, with a score of 37.
And just in case you were thinking maybe this was a case of the critics being too harsh, it's user score is even worse. At just 2.0. Babylon's Fall has clearly not performed the way Square Enix had expected it would.
"If you want a good game from Platinum Games just pick up something like Nier Automata, Astral Chain, Bayonetta 1+2 or (probably) Bayonetta 3 later this year," one user wisely advised in a 0/10 review. "Don't waste your money on this game."
"Greediest game ever. For the price they are asking for, it's not worth it," declared another. "This game pushes micro-transactions like it were a free to play game. I will never buy another Square Enix game again."
Maybe stay away from Babylon's Fall, eh?
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Square Enix