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'The Last Of Us Part 2' To Feature In PS4's State Of Play Tomorrow

'The Last Of Us Part 2' To Feature In PS4's State Of Play Tomorrow

"We've been quiet for too long."

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

It's been incredibly quiet on The Last Of Us Part 2 front for a long-old while now. The last time we got a real look at the game, in fact, was during E3 2018, when we saw Ellie hack, stab, and sneak her way through hordes of enemies in a gruesome gameplay demo. It's been well over a year then, since Naughty Dog deigned to update us on its long-awaited sequel, but the good news is that that's all set to change in a big way.

As confirmed by both Sony and Naughty Dog, The Last of Us Part 2 will feature heavily in PlayStation's Nintendo Dire- I mean State of Play presentation tomorrow (September 24), where we can expect our first proper look at the game in over a year, along with, hopefully, a new story trailer. I also imagine/am praying that we'll finally get an official release date so that we can all stop running around like headless chickens every time an online retailer "leaks" a November 2019 release date because, let's be honest, we're not getting this game until 2020.

The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II

In preparation for tomorrow's big event, various members of the Naughty Dog team have been posting a series of cryptic images on Twitter along with foreboding quotes. The official Naughty Dog Twitter account, for example, shared an image of a switchblade along with the line "I'm gonna find... and I'm gonna kill... every last one of them," which fans will know are the words Ellie used to terrify and excite gamers around the world at the end of The Last of Us Part 2's original reveal trailer from back in 2016.

Director of communications Arne Meyer, meanwhile retweeted the teaser and thanked fans for their patience, while the game's Director Neil Druckmann acknowledged that the studio has been silent for too long, and that it's time for that to change. I don't know about you, but my hype levels are reaching critical mass.

While we don't know exactly what to expect from the upcoming presentation, a recent GameStop Manager's Conference does offer us some clues as to what might be ahead. Footage of the game in action was shown off at the private event which was described by someone in attendance as a "very short, but a great slice of vertical gameplay." Before said post was ultimately deleted, the same user went on to reveal that the footage was focused on stealth and how the player can "use Clickers to your advantage."

Given we've yet to see Clickers rear their freakish heads in any of The Last Of Us Part 2 footage so far, I'd expect the creatures will feature prominently in tomorrow's event. I'm also hoping we finally get a good look at Joel, because I'm still not convinced he's going to be okay, guys.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Topics: The Last of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog