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Xbox Series X owners urged to change this setting immediately to save a ton of money

Xbox Series X owners urged to change this setting immediately to save a ton of money

If you live in the UK and own an Xbox Series X, you might want to change your console settings if you want to save some money.

If you live in the UK and own an Xbox Series X, you might want to change your console settings if you want to save some money.

New-gen consoles are a beautiful thing. The bells and whistles that come with the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X have made gaming more accessible and powerful than ever before thanks to things like quick resume, faster loading screens and more. Having the ability to close out of The Last Of Us Part 2 Remastered, playing some Helldivers 2 then hopping back to exactly where I left off feels like magic compared to previous generations.

By the way if you haven’t played Helldivers 2 yet, you absolutely should, take a look at the game below

However a lot of these new-gen features are available through rest-modes, which is to say the console is still partially active even when it’s switched off. While being able to boot up your Xbox Series X and load up a game in less than five seconds is great, all that time you’re not gaming could be racking up your electricity bill, none of which are getting cheaper anytime soon.

In a Reddit post acting as a PSA to UK Xbox Series X owners, one user called BurnItFromOrbit summed up how much it can cost you for keeping your Xbox in standby mode for an entire year.

The user said the Xbox Series X used around 13 watts of power when in standby, which equates to around £59.22 on a bill. By comparison, the PlayStation 5 uses 1.5 watts in its rest mode, which totals around £6.84. Both figures are based on the consoles being in their respective standby modes for a year, or 8,760 hours to be exact.

So if you have an Xbox Series X it might be worth changing the settings to power-saving mode if you want to save a bit of cash each year, just food for thought.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Microsoft