Modern games consoles are riddled with options to improve your experience or tweak what you see when you play a game.
The advent of 4K displays brought a wealth of settings to fiddle around with, though many are turned on by default and one Xbox player found that it was messing with their game and ruining the experience.
Everything is an Xbox now. Maybe even you. Are you an Xbox?
This little tip comes from Reddit and is specifically for the Xbox Series X console.
As the player was trying to enjoy Wild Hearts, they noticed that the visuals were “extremely muddy, indistinct and mushed together.”
Rather than put up with it, they decided to play around with the HDR settings and see if it made a difference.
“I decided to disable HDR support in the Xbox Settings, and it made a world of difference. I'm guessing disabling HDR in game doesn't actually inform my TV that it should not be in HDR mode.”
The original poster replies lower down in the thread to specify what their fix changed, “my suggestion doesn't help with the resolution or fps, but it should result in a 'cleaner' image since HDR isn't blowing out the details and contrast of the image.”
If this is something you’ve noticed in any of your games, it’s worth playing around with your settings and seeing if you get the same result.
All you have to do is follow the path, Settings > General > TV & Display Options > Video Modes, and change the options.
A reply from BetterWhenDrunk explains further, “This sounds like the typical "HDRn't" experience of playing in HDR on a display that is not good enough to actually reproduce HDR content, but that's usually moreso in relation to using HDR PC monitors than it is HDR TVs.”
Given how many options are on by default, it’s always worth looking at your console or display to see what improves the experience.
Topics: Xbox, Xbox Series X, Microsoft