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Xbox Series X to copy PlayStation's best feature, insider teases

Xbox Series X to copy PlayStation's best feature, insider teases

Could Xbox Achievement's get its own Platinum trophy?

Whether you’re a fan of PC, Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo, it’s a great time to be a gaming enthusiast.

Unlike video game consoles many years ago, nowadays consoles are more than just machines to play our favourite titles. Whether it’s to watch movies, stream content, listen to music or browse the internet, the modern-day video game console is a wonderful thing.

Check out our Xbox Series X deep dive below!

When the Xbox 360 was released in 2005, it changed the game for multiple reasons. Not only was the quality of video games taken to a new level, but the 360 console became a multimedia machine. However, the implementation of Achievements changed how many gamers perceived completion of a game.

Not content with simply finishing the story or unlocking all the extras, gamers loved the sound of that Achievement popping as they grind to reach the maximum 1000 Gamerscore. However, a Gamerscore would later exceed the 1000 milestone following release of DLC and/or content updates.

It would take both Valve (on its Steam platform) and Sony a couple of years to catch up with its own implementation of Achievements and Trophies, respectively. In addition to rolling out a trophy system to the vast majority of games, Sony went an extra step further by awarding PlayStation gamers with a prestigious Platinum trophy to truly cement a 100% completion.

At the time of writing, players who achieve 1000 Gamerscore on Xbox have nothing like a Platinum trophy. Perhaps the closest Xbox gamers would get to a Platinum trophy is a diamond animation and a unique sound if a rare Achievement was unlocked. Yet, that may be about to change according to an industry insider.

As reported by ComicBook via Jez Corden on the Xbox Two podcast, Microsoft might finally be coming up with its own version of the Platinum trophy. Corden claims that after speaking with an Xbox executive at Gamescom last month, the Achievement system will soon benefit from a revamp and will reportedly feature its own version of a Platinum trophy. Sadly, no further details were provided and as with all rumours and speculation, we should take them with a pinch of salt until proven otherwise.

Hopefully, now that the cat is kind of out of the bag, Microsoft might reveal all in the coming months, as we’re sure this will be a popular feature for devoted Achievement hunters. As they say, watch this space.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft, Sony

Topics: Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation, Sony, Microsoft