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Xbox quietly refunding all players who purchased doomed exclusive

Xbox quietly refunding all players who purchased doomed exclusive

Xbox has begun a wave of refunds for players

Microsoft is beginning to issue refunds to Xbox players who bought a doomed exclusive that failed at launch and saw its developer’s doors closed by tech giant.

Redfall, while it released as a bit of a mess, wasn’t perhaps as bad as many made it. Sure, it had its problems but many of these were smoothed a little by patches and updates, but sadly it was too late.

Avowed is another upcoming Microsoft exclusive that was recently shown off at Summer Games Fest

Microsoft ended up shuttering Arkane Austin recently which brought a halt to any possible chance that the game would fully turn itself around.

Due to this, Microsoft is now refunding players who bought the Bite Back edition of the game, which was seen as a premium edition of the action shooter.

It’s not only Xbox players seeing refunds, though. This policy will also refund owners on Steam and the Epic Games Store, though these players will have to raise a refund ticket with Microsoft directly.

Sadly, what comes of this whole debacle is a lot of people are out of a job, despite their efforts to try and turn around the game's fortunes. Truth be told, Redfall was never the right game for a studio like Arkane Austin, but it didn’t stop executives from pushing for it.

Whether you loved Redfall or hated it, seeing talented people lose their jobs is never a good thing for such a creative industry and hopefully lessons will be learned.

And, if you did have faith and bought in with the Bite Back edition, I’m sure the developers would thank you. Hopefully, refunds should be going through as we speak. The DLC and future ideas will never see the light of day, so it’s only fair that consumers see their money back.

Fingers are crossed that the individual creators find a good home to hone their skills on a future title.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft

Topics: Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, Bethesda, Microsoft