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Xbox fans stunned by new hardware you can order now

Xbox fans stunned by new hardware you can order now

Venturing to the Land of Shadows?

If you’re in the midst of exploring the Land of Shadows on Xbox following last week’s launch of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, or if you’re about to embark on the challenge, you may want to pick up Xbox’s latest bit of hardware.

While I may prefer the feel and layout of a DualSense, I have to admit that Xbox controllers win when it comes to aesthetics and customisation.

Whatever your favourite colour or style type may be, there’s likely to be an Xbox controller that matches it and if there isn’t? You can just make your dream creation in the Xbox Design Lab.

That’s seemingly what Bandai Namco has done in celebration of the launch of FromSoftware’s latest release as a new controller is available to purchase intended to look like Messmer’s flame.

Messmer the Impaler is, of course, Shadow of the Erdtree’s big bad and a boss that’s been generating quite a bit of discourse online as to whether the game is too hard.

I’ll leave players to battle out their opinions on that topic though on social media.

Let’s hop back to that controller. The ‘Fire Vapour’ design has actually been available for a few weeks.

You may recall that distasteful “Feel the burn,” tagline the same day that Microsoft announced a number of studio closures and layoffs.

ICYMI: Take a look at our Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree review below.

With that in mind, Fire Vapour wasn’t technically made with Shadow of the Erdtree in mind but clearly, both Bandai Namco and Microsoft spotted an opportunity for a bit of synergy.

Taking to Twitter, Bandai wrote, “Are you prepared to venture into the Realm of Shadow? Arm yourself with a controller inspired by Messmer's flame to give you strength for ELDEN RING: Shadow of the Erdtree.”

The controller does certainly look right at home sitting next to Messmer in its new promotional art.

The controller retails for $79.98 if you do want to pick it up so it’s by no means a cheap purchase so do bear that in mind.

Featured Image Credit: Bandai Namco, Microsoft

Topics: Xbox, Microsoft, Elden Ring, Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco