If you’ve been enjoying the newly released Tomb Raider I–III Remastered, you’ll undoubtedly be glad to hear it seems more remasters are on the horizon.
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered brings Lara Croft’s first three adventures to modern consoles, with a fresh coat of paint, new control schemes, and even the option to switch back to the original graphics at a moment’s notice.
Check out the trailer for remastered Tomb Raider trilogy below
So far fans have been impressed, in fact the buzz around the games has been almost identical to when they first released. So far players have created nude mods for Lara, and booted up Tomb Raider 2 just to lock the butler in the freezer for old times sake. It’s been incredibly nostalgic, and better received than last year’s Metal Gear Solid; Master Collection, which was viewed as a downgrade in many areas.
Back to Tomb Raider though, it seems like there are more remasters on the horizon. It’s believed Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation is the next game set to receive the remastered treatment, a hint of which has been found in the game itself.
An eagle-eyed fan spotted a radar screen featuring the date of the trilogy collection’s release, and in the bottom right corner of the display are coordinates for Giza, where the fourth game in the series is set. In Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation, Lara Croft travels to Giza to find the Egyptian god Horus, who’s needed after she accidentally released the god Set upon the world.
It’d be a no brainer for them to remaster the fourth game as well, after all it was yet another Tomb Raider game released for the PlayStation 1 so it’d be nice to have the full set on modern platforms, along with the rebooted series.
Tomb Raider I–III Remastered is available for Xbox, PlayStation, PC and Nintendo platforms.
Topics: Tomb Raider, Xbox, PlayStation, PC