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The Elder Scrolls fans can grab multiple free downloads this month

The Elder Scrolls fans can grab multiple free downloads this month

A whole new world has opened up

The wait in front of us before we play The Elder Scrolls VI is an unforgiving one, yet we have plenty to occupy us in the meantime.

Fortunately, Elder Scrolls Online is going to help us do just that.

Throughout July, Elder Scrolls Online will delight fans with a new DLC titled ‘Clockwork City’. All you need to do to get the keys to kingdom, so to speak, is log into your account from the 2 July onward.

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Do keep in mind, though, that for the DLC to become available, you need to have logged into your account twice this month to claim it.

As expected with a DLC with “city” in the name, this new content will deliver an “entire miniature world”.

“In the ‘Clockwork City’ DLC, you can explore one of Seht’s most incredible (and dangerous) creations: an entire world in miniature,” the ESO website reads.

“This unique zone has its own storyline, challenges, and characters to discover, plus it’s a long-time favorite of the ESO community. If you’ve not yet had the chance to explore the Clockwork City (or are yet to own the DLC outright), this is your opportunity to do so!”

After 10 years, you’d think the developers would show signs of slowing down, yet this freebie – which is part of a larger update – demonstrates that’s far from true.

With many of us questioning our mortality given how many years away the next Elder Scrolls title is, it’s nice to know we’ve got new quests to explore before we crumble to dust.

Should this source ever dry up, we still have secrets to unearth in Skyrim to keep us going too. One massive map secret is sure to blow your minds – it did ours.

July is shaping up to be an adventurous month for ESO players.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda Softworks

Topics: The Elder Scrolls, The Elder Scrolls 6, Bethesda