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Steam users have one last chance to grab free store credit

Steam users have one last chance to grab free store credit

You have to be in it to win it

A new day brings us a new giveaway. Yes, there’s yet another opportunity for you to bag some free store credit to spend on Steam.

Whether you want to save up for an upcoming AAA launch or treat yourself to a delightful indie, that choice is up to you.

This latest giveaway instalment gives Steam users the opportunity to bag a $5 gift card.

While, yes, it’s not the grandest prize we’ve ever seen, it’s nothing to turn your nose up at.

We’re all aware of just how costly gaming can be these days. Anything that helps to soften that blow is going to be welcomed.

Today’s giveaway once again comes from the ever-reliable SteamGamesPC over on Twitter, or X if you prefer.

ICYMI: We recently sat down with The Acolyte’s Dafne Keen (Jecki), Charlie Barnett (Yord), and Rebecca Henderson (Vernestra). Take a look at the interview below.

SteamGamesPC has teamed up with FreePCG and PCGDeals for this particular giveaway.

To enter, you simply need to follow those three accounts - which I heartily recommend anyway as they’re great sources for keeping track of the latest deals and free offerings - in addition to liking and retweeting the giveaway post.

You can find this below.

You only have a couple of days to enter as this giveaway’s winner will be announced on Thursday 11 July so get your entry in while you can.

Of course, there can only be one winner so while one of you may reign victorious, so too will plenty be disappointed.

As they say though, you have to be in it to win it.

If you do miss out, there’s still plenty of cost-effective fun to be had on Steam. In fact, two of the storefront’s highest-rated games are now both available for less than $1 each.

Or if you’re a fan of Resident Evil or Silent Hill, there’s also a free new demo experience which may be to your liking.

But if you do enter, may the odds be ever in your favour.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Steam, PC