Did you know you can mute the startup beep on the PlayStation 5? If you answered “yes” to that question then I’m very confused as to why you clicked on this article but hey, glad you’re here.
Well as it turns out, this info is actually pretty old. Surprisingly, however, a lot of people online seem completely unaware of the feature’s existence.
The ability to “Mute PS5 beep sound” was actually introduced back in a September 2023 update for the console, and doing so is a pretty straightforward affair.
Random aside but, I always thought it was more of a “bleep” than a “beep” but, I’ll trust Sony on this one.
So, all you have to do is head on over to the Settings page, hit the System tab and then scroll down to the Beep Sound prompt. From here you can either adjust the volume of the beep, or mute it entirely by clicking Mute Beep Sound.
ICYMI: Split Fiction launches this week.
It’s that straightforward. No more scaring your dog or alerting your partner to a secret late night gaming session.
Funnily enough though, users over on the r/playstation subreddit are confused as to why you’d ever bother doing this in the first place.
“Why would you want to?! There's no more satisfying sound then starting up a game system!!!” commented user Alex-ander-TheGood.
“Yes but I like the beep,” replied user KillzoneResistance, “And I like the Xbox startup sound too.”
I mean, I kind of get it. It is an oddly satisfying sound. But sometimes you gotta game incognito, you know? We all have our little secrets, and turning on your console at 2am when you’ve got work the next day is one of them (sorry boss).
Curious if there are any other hidden little features like this on the PlayStation 5. I wonder if there’s a way to make it play 'Pop Goes The Weasel' every time I boot it up instead?
Topics: PlayStation 5, PlayStation, Sony