If one iconic video game series has been lost in time, it would be the RTS series Command & Conquer from Electronic Arts.
The Command & Conquer series was first released in 1995 for PC and since that time, it’s spawned many sequels and expansions that to this very day, fans still love and adore. Unfortunately, it’s been years since EA released a new entry in the series, and fans long for its triumphant return.
Check out the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection trailer below!
The closest “new” release that we had was the 2018 mobile game, Command & Conquer: Rivals and Command & Conquer Remastered Collection for PC in 2020 which featured the first two entries in the series with improved graphics, sound and more. There was an online game in 2012 but in terms of proper mainline entries, we can look as far back as 2010 with Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight. Sadly, despite the mass interest, the series is dead and buried at the moment.
Until that time may or may not arrive, publisher EA has at least done the right thing and made the entire Command and Conquer series available to purchase now on the PC platform, Steam, as brought to our attention by Reddit user, MatoHunter35.
As you can imagine, much of the Reddit thread was delighted to see this iconic RTS series become available on Steam. “Command & Conquer: Generals and Generals: Zero Hour are in my top ten PC games. Great gameplay, great armies, highly topical and even a little humour,” replied NewCodingLine. “Dang, maybe I should pick these up!”
“Man, Tiberian Sun was the first PC game I really got into when I was 12 years old. You know, back when you would play RTS games like tower defence,” relieved Azrael-XIII. “Just turtle in your base with fortifications building a massive death ball then steamroll the enemy two hours later.”
Hopefully, considering there is still a lot of love for the Command & Conquer series, EA might release a new game in the series one day, though I won't be holding my breath.
Topics: PC, Retro Gaming, Steam