As a kid Mace Windu was my favourite Jedi in the Star Wars prequels, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars, so imagine my shock when my favourite got thrown out of a window, never to be seen again.
In Star Wars media, where people have come back from much worse, Mace Windu’s “death” has been a huge talking point amidst the fans, but we might finally have our answer.
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Samuel L. Jackson, the actor who brought Mace Windu to life in live-action films, has been quite confident Mace Windu is still alive and kicking.
He’s since doubled-down on that stance, saying in a Jimmy Fallon interview "There's a history alone, history of one-armed, one-handed people in the Star Wars Universe. So, just cause they cut my arm off and I fell out a window, doesn't mean I'm dead. I'm a Jedi! The second-most powerful Jedi in the universe next to Yoda. So, I can float!" Yeah, he's out there.”
But if Mace Windu is hiding out somewhere in the galaxy, why didn’t he return to help the Rebellion fight The Empire?
In a recent Star Wars book it’s revealed that Mace has an unnatural attachment to the Republic, a forbidden love that made him make some very silly decisions in Revenge Of The Sith.
Therefore it’d make sense that once the Republic fell he would just give up and disappear, either out of depression or realising the Jedi had got it all wrong at a time they needed to be right.
So what could the future hold for Mace? Disney could definitely give him the Obi-Wan Kenobi treatment and bring him back for a spin-off series.
Apart from that a film set before the fall of the Republic might be the only way forward, perhaps a film set during the Clone Wars with Mace on the front lines.
Topics: Star Wars, TV And Film