It’s likely you’ve played Red Dead Redemption 2 several times already. Yet, just like us, you may be stunned to learn of an extremely useful shortcut.
We assume that by this stage of the game you’re aware that you can tell the time using your pocket watch?
If not, this is going to be a day of revelations for you.
A lot of players check the time by pausing the game, however, there’s an even quicker way of getting to your watch.
You simply press down on the D-pad and voilà, it will appear.
Now you can play Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare on PC
Should you be playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC, you need only press the ALT key to get the same response.
Before you all assume everyone knows of this shortcut, we can assure you that they don’t.
“So, after all these years of playing, it’s that simple,” commented Bertish1080. “Every day’s a learning curve I suppose.”
We’ve been humbled by this information too, if that helps at all.
If, like the OP, you don’t immediately see the time when pressing down on the D-pad, you need to look below the mini map that pops up.
This next tip should go without saying, but just in case: you need to own a pocket watch in-game for the time to appear.
As self-explanatory as that sounds, you’d be surprised how many won’t take notice of this detail or be unaware.
In truth though, not every game puts that much attention to detail into development.
“Games made with love, man… something else,” remarked Yaboi8200.
Obviously, taking out the pocket watch each time will be more immersive than just pressing down on the D-pad, but sometimes you need to be speedy.
Whichever way you choose to tell the time, at least you have a handy shortcut ready to go should the need arise.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Take-Two, PlayStation, Xbox, PC