We’re back living our best life on the frontier, or at least we’re trying to. Life isn’t always easy.
What helps ease the crushing blow of any mishaps or misfortune are free downloads like this one.
Here’s the kicker though: it’s only available for the next 24 hours.
If you’re a Red Dead Redemption 2 fan who can’t get enough of Red Dead Online, you best return to your ranch and participate in those weekly activities.
To score this Rockstar Games freebie, you need to play and complete any Free Roam Event; doing so will earn you a free change of appearance reward.
It's not all quests and drama, there's also funny wins and losses in RDR2
Considering that the first time you change your appearance is usually the only time this feature is free, that’s a mighty fine free download to win.
Although this isn’t the only reward you’ll receive, it’s the one that’s currently time limited.
You can also bag yourself 25 Capitale and a Manteca Hat if you play Red Dead Online between now and 3 February.
Thus, if you miss out on the free appearance token, you’ll at least have some form of compensation for going to all that trouble.
There’s also 3X RDO$ and XP to be gained during the aforementioned time period as well.
All the details you need to know can be found here.
But these two additional goodies aren’t what we’re here for – we want that time sensitive freebie.
We think 24 hours is more than enough time to unlock your reward, though please don’t gather your pitchforks if we’re proven wrong.
Should you miss out on this freebie, fear not, for another weekly bonus is just around the corner.
Better still, you’re aware of it a lot sooner, meaning you should manage to claim this one at the very least.
We wish you well out there. Now, let’s ride.
Topics: Red Dead Online, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Take-Two, PlayStation, Xbox, PC