The Elder Scrolls VI can’t be too far away, though fans of the Elder Scrolls are starting to lose their patience.
Honestly I can’t blame them, as in the Reddit thread we’re talking about today someone pointed out that the teaser for The Elder Scrolls VI is now “older than Oblivion was when Skyrim came out.”
You can see that teaser for yourself below, though I’m sure you’ve seen it a hundred times by now since it’s the only one Bethesda has released so far
They say a rushed game is always bad, and while that’s 100% true as we’ve seen with many AAA titles that haven’t met the mark, I think we can all agree Bethesda was far too premature with its announcement trailer.
Reddit user EvenAH27 recently pointed out in a thread that “TES: VI was confirmed to enter early development” one year ago, five years after that initial 2018 announcement trailer.
While the release date is still nowhere in sight, fans can take comfort that Starfield will soon launch its major DLC expansion Shattered Space, which should hopefully free up some staff to finish off The Elder Scrolls VI.
Despite the long wait fans are confident it’ll be worth it come launch day, with one saying “I really hope they aim to make their magnum opus with this game and actually innovate and expand heavily on their gameplay systems and push the series into a truly next-gen RPG experience instead of a regurgitated version of Skyrim.”
“So excited to see what Creation Engine 2 can do with a more traditional RPG in the greatest fantasy setting ever made”
In all likelihood we won’t be getting a release date update this year, so all we can do is wait for one of the major gaming events in 2025 and hope Bethesda has a nice surprise for us.
Topics: The Elder Scrolls 6, The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda