As this current console generation trudges on, the life of the PlayStation 4 is dwindling to a close.
The possibility of the final ‘big game’ comes from the next iteration of Call of Duty, but what will the actual final game be?
Even with the PS5 Pro here, the PS4 is still going strong.
The PlayStation 4 has had a long life, filled with hundreds of games big and small, but does a console ever truly die?
Fans over on Reddit certainly don’t think so.
When one PlayStation fan created a thread wondering what the last game would be, the replies are varied.
“There will probably be a FIFA game on PS4 in 2029 or some s**t, the install base is so large publishers won't be able to resist,” notes itsmyfirsttimegoeasy.
Meanwhile, Metroidman says, “I wouldn't be surprised if PS4 games are still releasing after PS6 is out.”
Technically, a console never really dies, as homebrew communities and smaller creators can make new games as long as Sony publishes them, or there’s a group of players willing to bring the game to the console.
As many on Reddit think, “That s**t is probably gonna last forever due to indie games.”
Realistically, Sony might not give up for some time. This is the thought of ruscaire who comments, “I’d imagine that would make porting games a lot easier and as long as it’s still making money why not? A lot of people use their PS4 as a muscular set-top box. It’s probably a great money spinner for Sony still.”
Some consoles continue strong well after official support ends, as expressed by dinkaro: “Indies will publish until Sony stops allowing them too, just like with Vita.”
It may be many more years before a ‘final game’ emerges for the PS4, until then, there’s life left via indie gaming.
“I doubt support will be 100% cut, considering a significant amount of indie games will never require that high of a system requirement,” agrees secrethitman-shhhh.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 4, Sony