It’s that time again, PlayStation has announced the next line-up of free games for September, and subtly announced a cheeky subscription price hike…
The latest reveal informed fans that Saints Row (2022), Black Desert –Traveler Edition, and Generation Zero will be offered as the three free titles for PlayStation Plus Essential, Extra and Premium tiers.
Take a look at the trailer for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 below
This was announced via PlayStation’s official social media channels, which linked back to a blogpost detailing the update.
While the new games are definitely worth talking about, eagle-eyed fans might have noticed a cheeky bit of text hidden at the end of the blog. That’s right, all PlayStation Plus tiers will be getting price-hiked
The blog read: “We also wanted to let you know that starting September 6 we will be increasing the price for PlayStation Plus 12-month subscriptions globally across all benefit plans. This price adjustment will enable us to continue bringing high-quality games and value-added benefits to your PlayStation Plus subscription service. “
The new prices are as follows:
Essential 12-Month Subscription- $79.99, 71,99 Euro, 59.99 GBP.
Extra 12-Month Subscription- 134.99 USD, 125,99 Euro, 99.99 GBP
Premium 12-Month Subscription- 159.99 USD, 151,99 Euro, 119.99 GBP.
That’s quite the difference in price, and PlayStation didn’t allude to any bonus features coming to the subscription service to compensate for the increase.
A discount will remain for those who purchase 12 months of a tier as opposed to those who choose monthly payments. It also said those who are currently subscribed to a 12-month subscription will see no “effect until your next renewal date that occurs on or after November 6.”
PlayStation fans have been very vocal about their disdain for the service over the last few months, mainly due to the game selection not featuring the titles many were hoping for.
With this next round of PlayStation Plus Essential titles lacking the AAA releases subscribers will be hoping for, the price increase will likely just add insult to injury.
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Sony