There’s nothing quite so disheartening as being slapped in the face with an unexpected price hike for a service you regularly use.
Unfortunately, one PlayStation Plus user is finding this out the hard way.
The last time we braced for a price increase was in May of this year; amid struggling sales, PlayStation decided to put those prices up. Way up.
In Turkey, PS Plus fans felt the sting of a quiet increase as well, much to their fury and dismay.
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And now, this poor Redditor.
User RegemPip took to the PS Plus subreddit to voice their shock at how costly the membership now was, but also how they were duped into thinking it was cheaper.
When their membership expired, they decided to look at renewal to ensure that they could still get those bonus freebies.
At first, they thought they were “lucky” due to the price shown... then they scrolled down and realised it was all a lie.
“’Lucky me, it's still the same price,’ I thought. Then I scrolled down a bit and saw the actual price. It was a rollercoaster of emotions...” they said, alongside a screenshot of the harsh annual fee awaiting them.
To think you’re getting a year’s worth of PS Plus for $59.99, only to find out it’s actually $79.99 is cruel, to say the least.
Upon seeing the image, other subscribers were furious on the OP’s behalf.
“Nah, that can't be legal,” said killerkebab1499, “Unless I'm just being stupid there's no other way to read that other than 12 months of PS Plus for 59.99.”
Another Redditor suggested keeping the photo as proof of “false advertisement”.
“Screenshot the hell out of the page to prove the price show is different, they should honour it, but most likely they'll fix it soon and just claim ‘oopsie, my bad!’ and ignore it,” they commented.
Not to take sides here, but it does seem unfair if one price is shown as available, only for it to be “unavailable” when you select it.
But who are we to judge...
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony