PlayStation Plus giveth, but PlayStation Plus also taketh away, so the saying goes.
Okay, that’s not a saying but it’s true.
Each month, the extra and premium tiers are stocked up with around 10 to 15 titles - occasionally more, occasionally less.
But we usually see a similar number of titles leave at the same time so while you may think you’re subscribing to an ever-expanding catalogue, it’s likely not growing as exponentially as you may think.
The next batch of PlayStation Plus extra and premium games will be landing on the service on Tuesday 17 December.
It’s at that point that we’ll also learn which titles will be leaving the following month but that’s something we’ve already got a pretty good idea of.
Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is currently available via PlayStation Plus.
The r/PlayStationPlus subreddit community has been accurately predicting departures for months now, so don’t roll your eyes at the mere mention of Reddit.
You see, these aren’t simple stabs in the dark.
PS Plus departures are usually closely tied with expiring deals that Sony has with third-party publishers, and users of this subreddit have been paying close enough attention that they’ve picked up on the patterns.
In the past few months, the vast majority of the subreddit’s predictions have proved correct so it’s well worth heeding the warning concerning which games might be leaving in January.
User kayrakaanonline begins by predicting Resident Evil 2’s departure, explaining, “This is definitely leaving. It's Capcom and Capcom always does one year deals with PS Plus. RE7 left extra one year later too. If I was a betting man, I would bet on this.”
The game can be completed in around 10 hours, so you’ve got plenty of time to squeeze this one in.
LEGO City Undercover is the next likely departure. There’s less concrete evidence around LEGO games but LEGO Harry Potter Collection departed one year after it joined, leading the OP to assume that City Undercover may follow suit.
It could also be the end of the road for Life is Strange and prequel Before The Storm: “It's clear that Square Enix loved two-year deals. Kingdom Hearts games left at two years, Dragon Quest left at two years so why not Life is Strange as well?”
This is the warning I needed. I best get to finishing my Before The Storm playthrough ASAP.
Just Cause 4: Reloaded is also at the two-year mark and is, much like the aforementioned LiS titles, a Square Enix entry.
Of course, the final confirmed list will be much bigger than this, but it’s good to have some extra warning on certain titles.
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Sony, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5