Sony has finally revealed the PlayStation Plus free games for January, and one of the games featured has been labelled as a “piece of art” by the community.
The PlayStation Plus Essential games for this month are Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered, and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe Edition.
Said “piece of art” is not Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, before you ask.
In a thread over on the r/PlayStationPlus subreddit detailing the news, it’s pretty clear that one specific game was getting a lot more love than the other two on the list.
“Very happy about Stanley Parable,” commented user GuardianOfReason, “honestly the headliner for me.”
“Stanley Parable is amazing,” replied user norehsc, “Not a game that everyone would love, but considering it's niche and how creative the game is, this is a small piece of art and I greatly advise everyone to at least try.”
However, even though everyone had positive things to say about The Stanley Parable, a lot of commenters still aren’t happy with the overall offerings this month.
“This month is gonna get roasted,” commented user ajs723, “Stanley Parable and Need for Speed are the price of a cup of coffee on Steam, and Suicide Squad is a punchline.”
“The other two don't interest me personally tbh, although Stanley Parable has had some good praise I believe,” stated user TomClark83, “Probably the weakest January lineup in a good few years.”
It’s no secret that the PlayStation Plus Essential monthly games have been slowly deteriorating in quality over the past few months, at least in comparison to the monetary value of the games you can claim.
On the plus side, at least Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is supposedly going fully singleplayer later this year, so at least the game won’t be dead mere days after it drops on PlayStation Plus.
Topics: Sony, PlayStation, Playstation Plus, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5