PlayStation Plus’ next free game has caused quite a stir, as it’s one so hated it can’t even be given away.
The game I’m talking about is Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, one of the biggest flops of 2024 which I reviewed and still found myself forgetting about as the year went on.
It’s a shame too because the premise wasn’t even that bad…
The Suicide Squad as a concept works well as it unites a rag-tag group of misfits against a threat far too dangerous for them to conceivably handle, likely to die in the process.
Having weaker villains like Captain Boomerang and Harley Quinn go up against the likes of Superman should have made for an interesting story, and while it wasn’t the worst piece of fiction I’ve endured it was bogged down by a story built around live-service gameplay.
Anyway the game is going to be featured as part of PlayStation Plus Essential’s next batch of free games, dropping later this month for all subscribers.
It’s a bit embarrassing as the game was already given away last year by Amazon Prime Gaming, and during some sales you can buy your own digital copy for less than £5.
Support for the game has also officially concluded, and it’s unknown when the game’s servers will be shut down as there’s hardly anyone playing it at the moment.
Even worse is the fact PlayStation users don’t even want the game even if it’s free, believing its inclusion has made for one of the worst PlayStation Plus months so far.
Personally, I think Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has some redeeming qualities, and in another universe where it didn’t push for a live-service format I think it could have been rather good.
If you haven’t played it yet and are curious to try it for yourself you can snag it for free this month on 7 January, alongside The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered.
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Batman