The Halo franchise is a tentpole of the Xbox brand, but since Microsoft has dropped the fenceline a little and is expanding their titles onto other platforms, many have wondered if we’ll see Halo on PS5.
This question was put to the Halo community on Reddit and it sparked some interesting answers.
Could Halo appear on the PS5 Pro console with more power than Xbox could give it?
The broad question was “How would you feel if Halo MCC came to PS5?” (MCC being the Master Chief Collection)
One of the top comments comes from Odd_Replacement_9644 who says, “Good for Halo, terrible for Xbox. There’d be no reason to buy an Xbox except for Gears.”
This posits that Microsoft and the Xbox brand no longer has enough successful franchises to hold players to the console.
It’s a fair comment, but one reply points out the Xbox business model well, “Eh Microsoft doesn't seem to care as much about selling consoles as Sony so for them more customers is a win.”
With profits on console often being in the negative, the money is in games and partnerships, so what if Halo did make a monumental jump and released on PS5, how do people feel?
Stevenstorm505 says, “Unless Sony starts to give their exclusives as well then they shouldn’t get anyone else’s.”
While another user believes it to be the death of Xbox, “Xbox would be dead for a lot of people. Why not just PC and/or PS5 at that point.”
Then there’s zach57x who puts it simply, “I’d feel betrayed.”
Many Redditors seem to think that it should be a trade where Sony delivers one of their franchises in return.
Others, however, think it would be good for the series, with SH4D0W0733 saying, “A large influx of new players might breathe some life into matchmaking, and completely new players would probably play better than what the SBMM currently puts on my team.”
I’m not a big Halo fanboy, but if Microsoft is to go down this route, it can only be good for the game. Opening up a huge franchise for millions of people? That’s money in the bank.
Topics: Halo, Halo Infinite, PlayStation, PlayStation 5