Days Gone launched back in 2019 which means that for almost five years, Bend Studio has been busy beavering away on something. While unconfirmed rumours suggest it may be a new Uncharted entry, taking over the reigns from Naughty Dog, we know for certain what game it’s not: Days Gone 2.
It’s no secret that a potential sequel to Days Gone was turned down by Sony, much to the outcry of fans. Days Gone is an interesting study. It garnered a score of 71 on Metacritic at release, and it’s true that it does have its flaws and yet, it has accrued such an intensely passionate following as the years have gone by. The game’s director previously revealed that had the studio been permitted to move forwards with the sequel, it likely would’ve released in April 2023. Well, fans haven’t given up hope. An ongoing petition designed to catch Sony’s attention has now reached a major milestone.
Take a look at Days Gone in action below.
The change.org petition was originally set up in 2021, but has continued to gain traction and further support for fans. As its title suggests, its goal is simple: “Get Sony PlayStation to approve Days Gone 2”. It was set up by fan Kanhai Raval who wrote, “There're millions of people who want Sony PlayStation to approve Days Gone 2 and I want all fans to sign this petition. They can’t just pull the plug on such an amazing game that ended with a cliffhanger.”
Fellow players clearly agree as the petition has recently surpassed the milestone of 200,000, reaching 210,397 signatures at the time of writing. Hundreds of signatures continue to flood in week after week, with the goal now extended to 300,000.
Those who did sign in the last couple of days commented, “Such a great game that deserves a sequel,” and, “Need to know what’s going on. Can’t leave me hanging like that”. While these types of petitions alone are unlikely to influence Sony to give the green light, they do play an important factor in showing that the fan appetite is there. For now, all Days Gone fans can do is to keep showing their support and those fingers crossed.
Topics: Days Gone, PlayStation, Sony