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Bloodborne coming to PC before the end of the month

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Bloodborne coming to PC before the end of the month

It's so close now

Twitter user, Pirat_Nation, has delivered a wealth of information regarding Bloodborne working on PC, and it looks like it’s almost ready to be played.

Showcasing several videos, the Twitter thread opens with a video of the Orphan of Kos fight taking place in 2K resolution.

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This project has been in the works for some time now as a way to finally bring the legendary Fromsoft game to PC - seeing as neither the publisher or developer seems to be in a hurry to do it themselves.

Enter shadPS4, an emulator that is notoriously difficult to get running, and it has been the task of a community of players to bring Bloodborne to a playable state.

Not just any playable state, the aim is to upscale the visuals and remove the framerate limits too.

Production efforts are being documented by the developer, fromsoftserve, who is regularly posting clips to Twitter.

While some videos are still missing sound or special effects like blood splatter, the actual combat and environments look incredibly polished and smooth.

Everything is slowly falling into place and it’s estimated that players will be able to enjoy the game within the next two weeks.

In one post from Pirat_Nation, you can see the player character moving through a wooded area which is casting shadows onto the player model.

Of course, the reception has been great so far and players are hyped to finally play the classic game on PC.

“Honestly just blown away that PS4 emulation has come so far, so fast,” said ThePonzisGaming.

Another Twitter user, RIZO_izo, said “This project backed by ultra cracked devs cause the progression rate of this was phenomenal.”

Whether we eventually see an official remaster or remake of Bloodborne is in the hands of Bandai Namco and Sony. The fans want it and surely everyone knows it.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: Bloodborne, Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco, PC